Friday, June 14, 2013

Rumble in the Jungle: Day 5, PM Session

Thank you so much for sending your child to YAA Camp.  Mrs. Martinez and Mrs. Quezada had a blast creating art and music with their classes this week.  If you haven't signed up for Monster in Me yet there are still some spaces available!  We would love to have your child join us for the second week of camp.

Mrs. Martinez leads a drawing lesson.

What cute monkeys!

Students decorate their portfolios before filling them with all of their creations.

Throughout the week students shared artwork and music that they had already created/learned.  Here is a student sharing what she has learned on the ukulele.

Today in music we moved with flashlights to Aquarium from Carnival of the Animals.  We also played the singing game Bee, Bee, Bumblebee.  Check it out: